Mt. Olive Baptist Church Celebrates their 100th Anniversary

Greetings in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is our prayerthat you are experiencing God’s miraculous love and divine Amazing Grace. You are invited to join us in celebration of our 100th Church Anniversary. Our themeis. “We are Still Holding On” referencing Hebrews 10:23. Our Centennial Church Anniversary includes the […]

Mt. Olive Baptist Church Church Re-Opening Procedures

Church Re-Opening Plan Church Re-Opening Plan will be done in phases. Phase I – In-person service 2 Sundays per month for approximately 3 months. The first and third Sundays of each month starting July 4, 2021. Attendance Procedure Members are required to pre-register to attend by calling the church phone number (856) – 784-5707. Registration […]

Please join us for:

Sunday school – to listen to Sunday school call in every Sunday morning at 9:15 am -10:00 am 602-580-9787 access code 194 8812 Worship service is live streamed every Sunday at 11 am and then later uploaded on YouTube. If you would like to listen in to service that number is 978-990-5000 access code 280-5738 […]

COVID-19 Update

Due to the coronavirus, we have not had the chance to meet in person and fellowship but we are looking forward to when we are able to do so. Please join us every Sunday morning promptly at 11 am on our Facebook page to view the sermon live and it will also be posted to […]